FAR Presentations to the UF Faculty Senate

November 2022

The FAR presentation to the Faculty Senate can be seen here. (Mediasite video)

(The IAC report is from 18:03 to 34:28 minutes.)

The FAR's supplementary presentation to the Faculty Senate can be accessed here. (Mediasite video)

The slides from the November address can be accessed here: Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (IAC) Report Slides.

March 2019

The FAR presentation to the Faculty Senate can be seen here. (Mediasite video)

(The IAC report is from 41:34 to 55:11 minutes.)

March 2018

The FAR presentation to the Faculty Senate can be seen here. (Mediasite video)

(The IAC report is from 40:00 to 57:28 minutes.)

April 2017

The FAR presentation to the Faculty Senate can be seen here and the slides here.

(The IAC report is from 1:18:40 to 1:31:45 minutes.)

MARCH 2016

The FAR presentation to the Faculty Senate can be seen here. (Mediasite video)

(The IAC report is from 25:35 to 36:31 minutes.)